Sylvia and Jen Soska – The Twisted Twins

Twisted Productions

Sylvia and Jen Soska are identical twins. They have their own production company Twisted Twin Productions, they also write, direct and star in their own Horror movies. They have big name movie makers as fans and their debut movie Dead Hooker in a Trunk is a thrill-a-minute gore fest destined to become a late night classic.

Flush the Fashion presents an in depth 5-page interview with the hot new directors, one word of advice though – don’t get into a car with them.

How did you come to be make Horror movies?
I don’t think we even realized that we were making horror genre pieces until someone pointed it out to us and referred to our work as ‘horror’. Ever since childhood, horror and the unusual were things that we just naturally gravitated towards. When I was about nine years old, my mom let me watch Poltergeist. I made it through the flick but the terror, of course, rose in me as it became ‘bed time’. It was the bodies coming out of the ground that really scared me.

My mom did something that would forever change the way I looked at horror. She told me what I saw – exactly what I saw: the tireless efforts of hundreds of artists working together to make images, characters, and stories with the intention of scaring me. I was blown away, like some big secret of the universe was revealed to me. My fascination turned into obsession.

I didn’t get to start watching hardcore horror – like Hellraiser – anytime soon but she made a deal with me and Jen. We could read her Stephen King books and if there was anything we didn’t understand, we were to go and talk to her about it. It was amazing and those books were horrifying and awesome.

There was always this fun element to horror. It felt more real and genuine than other stories – I guess in the aspect that death is something that touches everyone’s lives and this genre made that relationship with death more tangible. I also liked the female characters – whether they be heroines or monsters – they were more interesting than the characters in, let’s say, a romantic comedy.

Jen: One of the things that make Stephen King’s work so good is that he always uses his trademark dark sense of humor. It’s very impressive. I didn’t actually realise that I was reading a horror novel. To me, it was just an incredible story with horrific aspects to them sprinkled with moments of levity. I feel that is how we do our work, as well.

We don’t set out to make a “horror movie”. We set out to make a good film where some horrific events do take place. Our work will always have moments of both horror and humour. It’s so important to us. Even if we made a Pixar film, you’d better believe that some bad shit would go down at one point or another.

“In a lot of ways, horror picked us.”

Dead Hooker in a trunkHave you been surprised by the amazing reaction to Dead Hooker in a Trunk?
S: I am humbled by the gracious and kind reaction to the film. We were thinking so much about making the film about getting it rad, that we didn’t really think about what the reaction would be. Our purest intention was to make something for people who love horror like us and make a fun thrill ride where they can turn their brains off for a hour and some.

The positive feedback was one thing, the rallying behind the film was life changing. The only reason we are doing so well is because the horror community dug the film and got hugely behind it. It gave DHIAT a life that it could have never had without that support.

“When Eli Roth saw the film and started to give us advice on filmmaking – it felt even more unreal. I suppose because we are horror nerds and the people who also saw the film were horror nerds – we all just clicked…”

Our new film, American Mary, is a thank you to all the people that made this possible. It’s completely fucking insane and intense and I think the people who stood by us for our first film are going to be thrilled. It’s the kind of film that hasn’t been attempted in a long time.

J:I dreamed that it would be embraced by the horror community, but they have not merely embraced it. They took it to bed, married it, and are happily raising children together in a nice little suburban home. When we started this whole journey, we had but two desires for the film. One was to make something that was pure enjoyment for our audiences. The other was to share it with as many people as possible.

I think we’ve more than achieved that and we are so unbelievably grateful to the horror community. It is because of their support and them spreading the word on the film and sharing it with their friends that we’ve been able to come so far. I am just so thankful for them.

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.