Travel isn’t Cancelled, just Paused

Sometimes, it can feel like real travel may never be possible again. While COVID-19 wreaks havoc across the world, there are a lot of places that feel less than safe. Others, still, feel relatively untouched by the pandemic. It almost makes travel feel like it’s not totally out of the realm of reality, although it isn’t in the near future for many of us. 

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In an earlier blog, it was discussed whether or not travel addiction is real. If it is, you may be lurching from travel withdrawal. Let’s look at some of the ways you can still get your travel fix without stepping outside your front porch. And, to be honest, it won’t be the same as sailing away to some beautiful other countries this summer but it might help calm the travel withdrawal a bit. 

Travel documentaries

Why do you travel? If it’s to taste the unique foods in far-off lands, then Netflix might be able to help you. The Chef Show has John Favreau and Roy Choi traveling to various places to eat some of the most delicious dishes in the areas. 

Nature lover? Home is a 2009 documentary in which Earth is shown from aerial perspectives, and looks diversity and nature across the planet. It isn’t your typical travel documentary, but if you are a fan of finding the less traveled path or want to view some of the problems humans have caused, this is a great option to check out. 

The Kindness Diaries is a television series about the adventure of one traveler, Leon Logothetis, who relies on the kindness of humans to travel from Alaska to Argentina, all from a bright yellow VW bug in. It’s a fascinating travel adventure, and the goal of the traveler is to pay forward the kindness of strangers who offer him food, shelter, and transportation. 

Plan your next big escape

With the additional time away from travel, you have more time to plan and consider where you’d like to visit next. Take time to research places you normally wouldn’t have thought about, and let your curiosity lead you to new adventures. Once you’ve established where you’d like to go when the world returns to a sense of normalcy, you can spend time making sure you have all the travel gear and clothing you need for the climate you expect to visit. Check out Millets review to see if Millets Co has your ideal travel footwear or clothing. If you really want to purchase that plane ticket to your next destination, check to see what kind of insurance you can add on to make sure you get the best deal without sacrificing not being able to go at all.

Get to know your neighborhood

If you travel to get to know new areas, consider going on runs or hikes throughout your own neighborhood to see things you may have missed. From beautiful gardens to chalk-drawings on sidewalks, neighborhoods offer more than a place to call home. Try looking at your neighborhood from a different perspective. 

Travel isn’t canceled; it’s just on pause.  Try exploring the area around you, and who knows, maybe you’ll find exactly where you want to go next just by spending time in places close to you.

Flush the Fashion

Editor of Flush the Fashion and Flush Magazine. I love music, art, film, travel, food, tech and cars. Basically, everything this site is about.