The warmer months seemed to be coming to an end, however there’s still time to make the most of the rest of 2019, with a caravan trip! Why not? The prices of pitches will be decreasing this time of year and with the right preparation in place, you can still enjoy a trip no matter how cold it is.
Whether you’re fancying a little staycation holiday or a road trip, not only do caravan trips offer many options, they’re also cheaper than luxury holidays.

However, whether you’re new to caravanning or an experienced caravanner, one factor is certain and that is the requirement of great preparation before any trip. If you prepare right, then you can be sure to enjoy the comforts of everything being in order, no matter the case.
Let’s start with the basics, how are you going to tow your caravan? You may find that for smaller caravans a semi powerful car will be ok but it’s also worth asking how good is an EV truck for towing?
With the help of Flogas, providers of bottled gas for caravans, we’ve provided this guide for essential caravan preparation.
Step 1: Check for Damp
It’s important to check for damp throughout your caravan. If left untreated, damp can cause long-term water damage, so it’s important to pin-point and treat it as soon as possible. Often materials and soft furnishings are the first areas to show signs, but you should always check windows and doors for any cracks or broken seals to identify possible leaks and ensure your caravan is kept water tight. It’s a good idea to properly air your caravan before setting off too, to get rid of any musty smells that have accumulated over time. If you’re short on time, you can consider using a dehumidifier to speed up the drying process
Step 2: Pack enough gas
Yes, it’s becoming cooler so it’s essential that you pack the right amount of gas for your heating, cooking and refrigeration requirements as most caravans depend on bottled gas (or LPG cylinders) for these. One particular benefit of LPG (liquid petroleum gas) for caravans is that it’s so versatile – powering a variety of appliances on the move. What’s more, it’s affordable and provides a lot of energy from a small volume of liquid, making it the ideal choice for your caravanning break. It’s also a more efficient, reliable and cleaner energy supply than electric systems.
The challenge with gas bottles though, is to know how much you need to take. Pack too much can lead you carrying unnecessary weight and a waste of money and packing too little could see you running out of your supply when you need it most.
Step 3: Tyres
Its important to check your tyres before setting off on any journey. Getting onto the open road and then suffering a flat or even a blowout can be a dangerous and costly experience and can shorten the time you get to spend relaxing. One way to avoid this is to rotate the wheels of your caravan periodically across the year, particularly if it’s been kept static for long phases – that way the weight of the vehicle isn’t concentrated on one specific area of the tyre for too long. This can help prevent any warping, cracking, or bulging
Its highly recommended also, to check the air pressure in your tyres too. This will not only help identify any slow punctures, it can also save you fuel. Be sure to leave some time to make necessary repairs, as last-minute changes can not only impede on your holiday but can also prove to be expensive.
Step 4: Servicing
If you’ve not serviced your caravan in a while, then its best to do so wherever possible. Wearable parts, that are often invisible to the untrained eye, will be examined during a caravan service. Mechanics will examine brake pads and breakaway cables alike, ensuring the utmost safety within the caravan is maintained. However, don’t be fooled into thinking it’s a simple once over — more than 100 components will be examined thoroughly
Step 5: Final preparations
Last and not least, would be to check that you’ve packed everything you need accordingly and appropriately to avoid the risk of damaging your belongings. This includes making sure that all windows, doors and cupboards are closed and locked. Staying safe should always be a priority, so don’t forget to check your towbar connection and re-position your car’s side mirrors too – to give you as much visibility of your caravan as possible.